More than 850 different bird species are in the Manu Biosphere Reserve. It has a wide variety of landscapes and ecosystems, including cloud forests, lowland rainforests, and higher grasslands. The 10 fascinating & must-see Birds of Manu are listed below. We truly hope you get to observe them while you are there.
The Andean Cock-of-the-Rocks is the bird species that tourists seek out most because it is the national bird of Peru! The Andean Cock-of-the-Rock males have a black body, red-orange head, neck, and breast, grey wings, and a disk-shaped crest that extends over their bill. Females have a similar colouration to males but with a smaller crest.
Many-spotted Hummingbirds have belly areas white and spotted with green, a dark and grey trail and black bills. The Many-spotted Hummingbird is often mistaken for a Violet-fronted Brilliant female. However, make sure to check whether there is a white stripe below the eye which is not seen in the Many-spotted Hummingbird.
The male Marvelous Spatuletail has two long, straight feathers and two longer feathers with huge discs on the ends, which are “spatules.” It is green and white with a purple head and a black stripe along its chest.
Eastern Peru is home to the Blue-headed Macaw. They are popularly known as the Coulon’s Macaw. Their heads are blue, as the name suggests, with green-blue feathers and a black-gray bill. These macaws are classified as mini-macaws, which include any macaw species with a total length of 50 cm or less.
The Andean Potoo is a rare species of night bird. It has a brown pattern that varies in tones of grey, brown, and black, with a white patch of feathers on the shoulder. Usually they are in Manu National Park at elevations between 1400 and 2600 meters above sea level.
The Chestnut-crested Cotinga, as its name suggests, has a tail, a pale yellow belly, a breast that is streaked with black, a head with a chestnut crest, and a black cap. Though they are typically rare, they can be spotted around the Manu Biosphere Reserve’s subtropical areas.
The female Crested Quetzals have a brown tint with minimal green and grey breasts. The males however, are green in colour with a fluffy crest, vivid red belly, and yellow bill. It frequently gets confused with a Golden-headed Quetzal, however, they have an entirely white undertail.
Rufous-headed woodpecker has a rufous head, a body with a black-and-cream pattern, rufous wings, and, on the males, a red stripe next to the bill. They are rarely seen due to their fear of humans, but their unusual look makes them one of the must-see birds of Manu Rainforest.
As its name suggests, the Golden-collared Tanager has a golden collar around its neck. Its belly and breasts are both blue, with the breasts having a greyish colour. These birds, which are often mistaken for Yellow-scarfed Tanagers. They are typically seen in pairs in Manu’s highland forested areas.
Handsome Flycatcher is a little yellow and orange bird found in the upper regions of the Manu Biosphere Reserve. They have dark wings with yellow tints and orange on the breast. They can be identified as pairs by their quick pip-like sounds.