For several years the amazing view of monkeys in the natural habitat has been one of the big reasons why people love visiting the Peruvian Amazon rainforest. The most common monkeys that can be seen here are Marmoset, Squirrel, Howler, Tamarin, Spider, Capuchin, etc. We have come up with amazing facts about the special monkeys that you will see in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest during your visit:
The largest primate in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest is the Howler monkey which you will hear from a distance before you can see them. They have one last heard bone with a very distinctive territorial call which people generally hear from miles away.
All in all, there are around 15 varieties of this monkey that is native to the south and Central American rainforest. Generally, they live in groups of around 6- 15 animals with a male to female ratio of 1:4. They cannot be seen physically fighting with each other and when they do, it does not last very long.
Spider monkeys spend the majority of the time in the canopy of the jungle where you can find them looking for fruits and seeds to feed themselves. They got their name because of their long legs and arms. Their tail is even longer than their limbs which make them easy to identify.
When coming to their size, they are big, weighing up to 24 pounds. The brown spider monkey, the northern muriqui, and the brown-headed spider monkey are critically endangered.
One fun fact about spider monkeys is that they have a bigger brain than all the monkeys. This makes them the most intelligent primate in the region. Howler monkeys are still the largest monkeys in the Peruvian Amazon.
They can be frequently seen in the Amazon jungle. When coming to the size they just weigh 3 pounds and are very small. They live in big groups which can be up to 500 monkeys.
They feed on small insects and fruits. Squirrel Monkeys are omnivorous. They generally are active during the late afternoon. It is a fun experience to see them jumping from one branch to another.
The close relationship of humans with monkeys is one of the reasons why we are fascinated by these furry creatures. Irrespective of the reason, the Peruvian Amazon forest is home to a large variety of primates. Visit the Peruvian Amazon forest during your next holiday and you will be amazed to see these creatures.
Check out our most popular four-day tour to Manu Rainforest to spot these monkeys.